On February 10, 2023, a dialogue platform “Technology Commercialization Point” was held at QAZPATENT on the topic: “Problems of technology licensing in Kazakhstan”, organized by JSC “Science Foundation”, QAZPATENT and PA “Chamber of Patent Attorneys of Kazakhstan”.
The meeting was organized in order to identify the problems of technology licensing in Kazakhstan, exchange experience in licensing the results of scientific activities and develop recommendations (RNTD) to increase the level of commercialization of RNTD.

Chairman of the Board of the Science Foundation Abdilda Shamenov, Chairman of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys of Kazakhstan, Deputy Director of the Agency Intellectual Property “Tagbergenova and Partners”, Patent Attorney Modangul Tagbergenova and Deputy Director of the National Institute of Intellectual Property Aydin Artykova made welcoming speeches.
Aydin Artykova familiarized the audience with the level of licensing of the OIC in Kazakhstan.” They also discussed the problems and the role of integration of science and business in licensing the results of scientific activity,
In addition, the experience of licensing scientific developments of Nazarbayev University, Kazatomprom, the experience of licensing the breeding achievements of Zeilkhan Tagaev was considered.
The event was attended by patent attorneys, representatives of the Club of Business Partners of the Science Foundation, university commercialization offices and scientists.
At the end of the event, recommendations were developed.
Source: qazpatent.kz